Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018

Daily Activity 11 ( Inggris )

Thursday 30/08/2018

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..

Hello Guys,,

Okay, I went back to blogger today, I redefined what is meant by cake and how to make a good cake, the origin of cake and the definition of bread where bread has developed and so is the cake that is most preferred by the community, whether there is a pie or moment both in the form of birthdays and more.

Cake is one of the famous dishes,Cake is a cake made from a mixture of dough, consisting of flour, sugar, eggs, salt, milk, aromatic, fat which is developed with or without developer ingredients.

Bread is the main food made from wheat flour and water, which is fermented with yeast, but some do not use yeast. But the advancement of human technology makes bread processed with various ingredients such as salt, oil, butter, or eggs to add the level of protein in it so that certain textures and flavors can be obtained. Bread is a staple food in many Western countries. Bread is a pizza base and an outer layer of sandwiches. Bread is usually sold in sliced form, and in a "fresh" condition that is neatly packed in plastic.


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