Minggu, 30 September 2018

Daily Activity 16_ Inggris

Friday 03/08/2018

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..

Hello Guys . . .
For the blog this time I will tell you about the activities that I did in the kitchen. The first activity I did was to prepare all the ingredients that had been prepared

Today's activities that I did in Kitchen were preparing dishes for buffets on campus events attended by guests from abroad and for the menu we provided Indonesian menu.
The menu that we prepared is like satay, a typical Bugis cake and some other Indonesian specialties.

 After that we take a break and immediately do the cleaning general or clean the work area that we have occupied work starting from any material that needs to be tidied up to the floor you want to clean, then get ready to go home before returning home to pray together to be given a way to the right

Thanks . . .

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