Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

Daily Activity 1 ( Inggris )


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Now we are back again working on blogger, shorten the time of my day five semester has entered the material patisery and bakery and currently I'm studying the pastry that is making a shourdough on the first day. But I went in at 08.00 felt I was on time because before 08.00 I've been there kitchen may be blessing upon desire.

             at that time and I made a pretty good shourdough less and all the group repeat so there is a penalty run three times a day for making three shour dough  times has been repeated, then I immediately make a shourdough back and taught by chef greetings how to make it very fast and easy finally shourdough today neat and pretty good.

 Picture 1 :                                                   This is a Photo or Picture :

Picture 2 :

Picture 3 :

Picture 4 :

 Next, I took a break to eat and went to prayer and then came back for a little rest and immediately cleared the area that had been done both pastry  and mainkitchen.dan after that I checked all areas that have been cleaned again to be seen dirty and clean to area.and before going home given a little submission from  Sir ical for the next direction and after that we immediately pray to get ready to go home respectively.


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