Sabtu, 15 September 2018

Daily Activity 13 ( Inggris )

Wednesday 12/09/2018

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..

Well this time I returned to blogging to tell what I made during the practice of the kitchen and more clearly guys, I talked about what is meant by the alhambra cake and what ingredients and how to make it.

Alhambra Cake is one cake that is identical to chocolate. This cake can be explained that is a cake made like a chocolate sponge and coated with ferocious chocolate and topped with brown glace instead of mirror glace, and shaped like a beam or round but more ideal and beautiful if it is in the form of a beam or a long shape, and decorated with chocolate and painted according to our individual desires.

Then after that we take a break and immediately do the cleaning general or clean the work area that we have occupied work starting from any material that needs to be tidied up to the floor you want to clean, then get ready to go home before returning home to pray together to be given a way to the right.


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