Kamis, 01 November 2018

Daily Activity 18_Inggris

Tuesday 16/10/2018

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings..

Hello Guys. . .

Alright today is the second day after the mid test and like usually I enter the kitchen on time and today we immediately read and looked for references on how to make a good and correct tape and anti-failure. For us personally and our group besides reading references on the internet. We also called our mothers and neighbors who had experience in making tape. And after that we immediately made a tape.

The steps we made are:

  - Washing sticky rice as clean as possible and ensuring that the container used is also clean and protected from bacteria, butter or oils that are present. With a ratio of white and black sticky rice 1 to

 - Soak the rice for about 3 hours, then wash it again until it is clean. Then steam until cooked. During steaming occasionally splash water so that glutinous rice does not dry out during the steam process.

         - After that, chill sticky rice in a flat container and then yeast according to the dose and mix again until even.

 - After that, chill sticky rice in a flat container and then yeast according to the dose and mix again until even


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