Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings . . .
Hello Guys, congratulations on meeting again again ...
For this blog, I will write about the things I did at Kitchen Poltekpar Makassar. Monday, October 30, 2018, we are tasked with making sticky rice tape. Accompanied by instructors who are quite experts in their fields and taught how to ferment the tape in order to increase the vitamin content of guys ...
History of Glutinous Rice Tapai/Tape

Who doesn't know sticky tape? Sticky rice tape is an interesting story of the culinary business world of typical food. Initially this food was only produced before the Eid holiday or certain events. But the pioneers of the sticky tape home industry who did not give up in fighting managed to deliver this snack not only as a snack on special days, but became a souvenir icon typical of an area with a different appearance too, some were wrapped in leaves banana, water guava leaves , it has now been modernized using a cup / jar.
TAPE is a snack produced from the fermentation process of carbohydrate foods with yeast. The raw materials used are usually cassava and sticky rice and then given yeast for fermentation. The resulting fermentation is generally semi-liquid, soft, acidic, slightly sticky, if stored for a long time it will contain alcohol. Production of tapai is usually carried out by small (home) or medium industries.
Fermented tape can increase the vitamin B1 content threefold. Because it contains various kinds of "good" bacteria that are safe for consumption, tapai can be classified as a source of probiotics for the body. Glutinous tape water is known to contain lactic acid. This fermented product is believed to provide a healthy effect on the body, especially the digestive system, because it increases the number of bacteria in the body and reduces the number of bad bacteria.
In addition to being able to be consumed directly, tapai can be made into other preparations or mixed with other foods and drinks.
Tape cassava can be used as a mixture of ice cendol, ice mix or doger ice, it can also be processed into fried rondo royal food (fried tapai) and colenak.

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