Kamis, 01 November 2018

Daily Activity 17_Inggris

Monday 15/10/2018

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings..

Hello guys ... today is our first day of practice in the first week after the midterm or you can say this is the fifth week of practice. Today is not so much work. When it's arrived at the kitchen. Need to wait a while for quite a while then the activity starts. And even then we do not directly practice or do. But first, Mr. Wawan provided material about food decoration art. The core of the material that he conveyed is, about carving.

Carving itself is the art of carving and making a three-dimensional image of fruits that look more attractive and beautiful to look at. Usually displayed for a big event. In addition, today Chef Salam shows about the basics of carving. He made a carved flower accompanied by leaves on a watermelon and after that gave us the opportunity to continue the fruit carving, each of them carved a flower petal on the fruit. And the result is that there are various types of flower petals and the mess is messy. But it's okay. Because, each hand has its own fashion. After that, I tried to practice it on a carrot and I carved a stacked flower. Although the results are still not good, it is still rough and not neat. But this is my first carving. Not so bad it seems. But, that's my result. The start is not so bad in my opinion

Carving Fruit is one of the art of carving these fruits. usually served in large events such as making yellow rice cone. Not only wood and stone that can be carved. Fruits become very beautiful and attractive when touched by the hands of fruit carving artists. The artists deftly made whole fruits turn into sculptures that have high artistic value.

This is Carving Fruit, art in serving food with beauty, usually the media used are fruits that are round in shape and have a soft texture. In Fruit Carving, someone will sculpt and carve a fruit using fairly simple tools, namely, cutter, serrated knife and toothpick if needed.

Picture 1 :

Picture 2:

Picture 3 :


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