Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018

Daily Activity 9 ( Inggris )

Tuesday 28/08/2018

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..
Hello Guys..
This time I went back to blogging, I want to tell you about the activities of the 2nd day of practice guys, but I arrived at 6:25 I finally wanted to sell a product that we were waiting for. Thank God, finally today's income was very satisfying, thankful, then finished all the products we continued steaming the cangkuning doko-doko for 15 minutes so the texture returned to good.
Then I continued to remove the layer cake from the chiller and continued to re-cut the cake with neat and beautiful pieces, and then re-plating the traditional cake and then carry the directorate at the appointed hour,
Next, I prepare the bread you want to use later on Thursday, and then go as usual cleaning the area if it has been used to keep it looking clean and tidy to make things clean, then prepare puff pastry again, then do general cleaning but I the table working section is responsible for all areas and is ready to go home and go home.


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