Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

Daily Activity 3 ( Inggris )

Thursday 02/08/2018

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Hello Guys, ..
 I am back again telling today my blog. And on this day I arrived at 7:15 a.m. as usual I saw and checked my grooming, after that I went into the kitchen and did what was told, finally I worked on a croissant so I weighed all dry ingredients or other ingredients.

Furthermore,  immediately made the dough, I made a croissant from mixing until it was finished, then I was told to go online with Mr. Technical because there was a delivery, but finally I finished online making coconut pie filling.

Then after that I clean the work or work and immediately get permission to pray and all the work is finished then the rest and then return to the prayer and then do general cleaning with the hospitality administration children, working together after that we wait for home time.



Coconut Pie


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